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What is Blog/

You may have heard the term "blog" thrown about and wondered "What is a blog?". You may have even visited a blog or two in your time without really knowing that it was a blog. Or maybe you are very familiar with blogs - heck, perhaps you run your own blog - but decided to search for a definition of the term "blog" anyway.
Here I aim to define "blog". I'll provide a definition for the term and explain some of the features that define a blog from a typical website.

Define Blog

The term Blog is a shortened version of the term Web Log (sometimes written as Weblog).
Therefore, here is my definition of a Blog:
A Blog is a type of website that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order.
(Reverse chronological order meaning latest posts at the top).
I could expand on this definition, but this defines the fundamentals of what a blog actually is. Blogs typically have one or more features that provide that familiar blog feel and functionality. These are included below.

Blog Features

Today's blogs have many features. Some of these are designed to help the reader find information, other features assist the publisher in providing content.


The homepage of most blogs provide a list of the latest entries (or "posts") listed in reverse chronological order. There are typically around ten posts followed by a link to older entries.