Email Verification

12:50 PM FT World 0 Comments

Email verification is a very popular method that has been utilized by almost every user who is has an email account. In this method, a message is sent to the user when a particular comment is held for the moderation. This particular email message contains a unique link .This link will help in the email verification of the user. Once the user slicks on the link the particular comment automatically gets approved. This entire process is called email verification and verification to this degree helps in the improvement of security of an email account.
This mode of communication, though online, is an important mode for a business as well as for personal home use. Though there are various modes and methods for sending these messages through online means - email is definitely the most preferred one. This is an economical method of sending messages and communicating with the rest of the world. Apart from being economical it is also very fast and near instant.

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